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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

TunnelGuru Free Browsing with Glo

TunnelGuru Free Browsing with Glo

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Glo Free Browsing with TunnelGuru

TunnelGuru has now come on board again as it has opened up the firewall of Glo for free browsing.That is, you get connected for FREE with #0.0K, No subscription whatsoever and No BIS whahala. Yes you got me right, this time around tunnelguru is at it again with Glo a freaky combination that gives you maximum free browsing.

To get started rocking this free browsing with glo on tunnelguru;

Get a Glo sim that has no money on it, that is #0.0k

Create an New Profile Connection on your modem with the Access Point Name (APN) gloworld

Download the New and latest version version of Tunnel Guru from it doesn't matter if you already have it.  Just download another one as the old one won't work. Choose either the 32bit or 64bit depending on the Bit your system runs on.

If this is the first time you are using TunnelGuru you should have Java Runtime installed on your system. There for download Javaruntime from HERE and install it to your system.

Open the tunnelguru and configure it like this

Web Host:   

Web Port: 80#443

UserName:Get it from

Password: Get it from

Proxy URL:

Proxy host:   OR use any of these;



CANADA(torrent allowed)

 Port= 80#443

Select Internet 7-M

Untick-  SSL


Click on Start proxy.

A prompt comes up "Patch applied" Click OK 

Another Prompt comes up with the Error 5 message “ Error5: NoRoute to Host Exception: No route to host: connect No SSL connection using given port Only TG port-6053 will not work. You can Try again".

When this error 5 message shows on your tunnelguru,leave it and then connect your modem with the new gloworld access point you created. once you modem connects come back to your tunnelguru and click OK

On a successful connection of your tunnelguru another Prompt comes up this time with the message “Successful :HTTP Connection found – TG Ports 6051,6054, 6055, 6056, 6052 are enabled Now. Except 6051 you can use other ports using proxifier and VPN als. Please check all ports which give better speed for you"

Click OK.

Next, Click on the VPN TUNNEL side of your TunnelGuru and configure it like this;

Server: choose any server with TCP

Rport: select 80

Lport: Leave it at 0

User: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (create a FREE user account Here)

Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (create a FREE user account Here)

Uncheck The Tunnel DNS Query

Protocol: Select TCP

Tick/Check the Use Proxy box and Type in

Click on START.

A prompt comes up with the message “ It is suggested not to

use or locahost as Proxy Host. Better Enter Valid Interface IPV4 IP.In windows You can run IPCONFIG command to check it. Continue Anayway.

Click Ok.

Wait a little while for it to now connect fully

Once you VPN side of tunnelguru connects you are good to go rocking UNLIMITED free browsing on your PC with your tunnelguru on GLO Nigeria.

For a Detailed Video Tutorial that shows you how to do the above click on this link

TunnelGuru gives you UNLIMITED browsing with your Glo no doubt about that but you need to UPGRADE your FREE tunnelguru account before you can enjoy it for UNLIMITED browsing with GLO.

For just #800 you get a Voucher with which you will use to UPGRADE your tunnelguru account.

To order for the tunnelguru voucher simply PAY the #800 into any of tha banks below and after that; Text TG UNLIMITED, Depositors name, E-mail address, Amount And the teller no To 08056370712

BANK NAME: First Bank Nigeria Plc 

ACCOUNT NAME: Anayo Emmanuel 

 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3022276161 



ACCOUNT NAME: Anayo Emmanuel 

 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2081683604

Should you encounter and problems setting it up let me know at 08056370712

Enjoy Yourself............

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