India web Proxy free browsing bug has caught up with GLO.
The above statement means that you can now enjoy free browsing with
India web proxy on Glo Mobile Network.
To get started you need to download the version 4.2.8 at
Of course you should know that you need to have java runtime on your
system/PC to be able to run india web proxy.
Here comes the Settings
Make sure that you create a New access Point on your modem or Nokia PC
suite with access point name; glosecure
When that is done open up your India web proxy version 4.2.8 and
configure it thus;
Web Host :
Web Port : 80#443
Username and Password; CALL 08056370712 TO BUY A DATA PLAN
Proxy Url :
Proxy Host :
Port : 80
Username: web
Uncheck SSL
Then Make sure that you Select : Internet-3-G
Then START PROXY.............................
Of course configure your browser and applications to;
PROXY PORT: 6053 or 6052
If you are yet to get an India web proxy USERNAME and PASSWORD sign up
for free at
After that you then need to pay for monthly data plan of either
8gb,18gb or unlimited data plan.
You can pay with your libertyreserve account.
Moreover, I can help you get any data plan you need at the following prices.
8GB For 1Month=================#1000.
8GB For 3Months=================#2,500
18GB For 1Month==================#2,200
18GB For 3Months==================#3,000
UNLIMITED FOR 1MONTH=========#2,500
Simply go to any branch of the bank below and pay in the money.
BANK NAME: Guaranty Trust Bank of Nigeria. GTB
ACCOUNT NAME: Anayo Emmanuel
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0041120852
After paying in the money, Text your name, E-mail address, The data
plan paid for And the teller no.To 08056370712
Mind you, you can team up with your friends and colleagues to pay for
and share a given India Web Proxy DATA PLAN.
For any question, complaint, suggestion and observation. CALL 08056370712.
To make you international web proxy (IWP) work faster to its maximum
potential, you need to boost its connection speed with PROXIFIER :
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